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Company Profile

  • Company name: Aberry Ltd

  • Head office address: Hernesaarenkatu 11 C, 00150 Helsinki, Finland

  • Contact Tel. int’l: +358 45 606 2500

  • Email:

Aberry Ltd is a Finnish private owned company, established in 2014.

It has developed and patented organic super food drinks made from Finnish organically cultivated farm top oats, Finnish organic forest berries and organic forest bee honey.

First product development took two years and company’s first product launched to the market as Organic Super Food Drink during September 2016.

Aberry Oy Ltd is approved organic beverages manufacturer by the European food safety Authority since 2015. As a mission, transparency and food's story from root to the table is available to monitoring.

Aberry Ltd management is dedicated to go–green and have gain experienced knowhow of food and beverage development. There co-operative partners are former Finland Aalto University and Finland VTT food product development specialists.

Competing to modern business strategy, company currently running with 5 personals management staff and operate worldwide with cooperative partners, subcontractors, agents, wholesale distributors for strengthen sales and marketing.

aBerry Supper Food Drink now widely famous as preventative health care snack, due to the products features.

First product launch at the autumn of 2016.